
Punk Party (and Other Accounts of Mischief)

Collection | 287 Pages

With a collection of stories that recalls Jean Shepherd along with a dash of Rod Serling and Raymond Chandler, author David Beedle has assembled five tales that mix Christmas, diamond heists, Hollywood, and love—lost and found. The stories here stir a stew of innocence, loss, redemption, and romance—an age-old recipe with just enough new ingredients to keep you turning pages until its satisfying, slightly tear-inducing conclusion.

Published March 26, 2021.

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In Development



Professor Peter Wright has a photographic memory, a once-in-a-generation mind, and a secret: He’s got a time machine hidden in his laboratory on campus. But he’s about to find out that building a time machine isn’t as difficult as being sixteen years old, and in love.

The Disappearance of William Cross


Among the many secrets Senator William Cross bears is one that his family has carried for centuries: A searing, debilitating pain that occurs, like clockwork, twice a year. The only remedy is the one invented by his great grandfather—a device that transforms the pain to an almost magical beauty, and reveals a world tantalizingly just beyond his reach.

When Senator Cross disappears, and the FBI’s case seems unsolvable, only his daughter, Molly, and a staff intern named Danny think differently. Now, a year later, they are about to discover that the secrets of the Cross family go far deeper than anyone could possibly imagine.