Hunkered Down, Day 14

I should know better than to look at the news before I go to bed.

Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry. Your chance to take out some of that anger will arrive on the third of November, David. Until then, breathe.

Grrr. Stop thinking about it! Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry. I said BREATHE! Look at the beautiful people in your life. There are many more than you even realize.

There. That’s better.

I had an idea to do a post about how now that we’re nearing the third week of this self-sequestering that we are all sharing, it might be much like the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. And it kind of is. And I’ve got nothing more. So it’ll just get this one paragraph of attention. Okay, I will add this: On some days, the five stages seem like anger, anger, anger, anger, and anger.

But I’m past it now. Maybe because I’m lucky. Because I’ve got those beautiful people.

Yesterday morning I went on a walk with one of those beautiful people. The path was empty for miles in each direction. When we crossed the bridge over the street, there were no cars. But I was with this beautiful person.

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  • I love you. I love being home with you. I love that I am navigating this unprecedented and unpredictable time with you. We will continue to find ways to make this time a time of renewal. All love, always.