Part 1: Just pick a day already

It took me thirty years to visit Guy Ackerman out in California. I finally made it out there back in May, 2017—part of a three week long road trip with Laura and Max—and it was a major highlight for me. Almost immediately, Guy and I started talking about how much fun it would be if everybody came out to California to visit him.


Here’s a photo of the key players Guy was talking about. Me, Jack, Jimmy, Trains, and Tommy. Honestly, I can’t place the year it was taken. Early 1990s?  Along with Guy, we all played hockey together from the late 1970s all the way into the early 90s. For a stretch in the early 80s we all lived in a house together in Bethlehem that quickly spawned epic stories (epic to us, anyway) that we would tell over and over again. Thirty years later we’re still telling them.


Back to my visit with Guy back in May 2017. He and I were standing in his back yard. The California sky was a perfect cloudless blue and the temperature was a perfect seventy-two degrees. I asked, again—secure in my knowledge that it would never happen in a million years—that if we were to come out, when should it be? Guy said that winter wasn’t a bad choice, and he raised a finger to the perfect seventy-two degree blue sky and said, “because it’s always like this.”


Two months passed. Jack and I were at Jimmy’s annual 4th of July party, and as Jimmy grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and we all consumed multiple beers, the three of us started talking about going out to see Guy.


And that was the first time I thought, what the hell … this could actually happen. And so begins the story of how we all got to California, told through the exact email threads and text messages that began in summer of 2017….

July – Early August 2017

David email to Jimmy, Tommy, and Jack: Here I go again, setting myself up for merciless mocking: Imagine what I’m asking you all in this photo. Maybe it’s something like, “Hey fellas, how about we get together August 11th or 12th?” Let the ridicule begin.

Tommy: I forget, why are we getting together? …. And I hate to say this but I think I have something going on that weekend?

Jimmy: Hey Boys, I was away…..11th for me.

Tommy: So, again what are we doing?  I think I was away when this was mentioned. Maybe the 11th would work , if I’m not away. What time would we be meeting and would there be an away-time?

Jimmy: You ask to many questions…..

David: We’re actually not doing anything except hanging out. Just wanted to get together. It could go something like this … but I’m up for whatever you guys want to do:

  1. Start at my house … any time
  2. Watch the almost completed video version of “The Return of Joe Beninski” whilst having a beer or two.
  3. Go to Stahley’s and have our usual selections of Mint Juleps and White Wine Spritzers.
  4. Mock each other
  5. Discuss how we could somehow all go visit Guy in California
  6. Go home when we feel like it

Another option is to just hang at my house and add pizza. August 11 works for me.

Tommy: Ok I’m in. Give me a time to be at the Beedle Estate. Please don’t Pumpernickel around on this … I need to know, like now, if and when this is happening on the 11th.

Jimmy: Yeah I agree……

David:  “Pumpernickling around.” That’s a new one. Impressive. Anytime after 6:00.

Tommy: I had to know whether I had to take off from work or not.  Ya know I don’t live 20 minutes from you guys. So I’ll shoot for 6:30 ish  which is after 6:00, if that’s ok.

Jimmy: 6.46 please…that’s after 6.30ish.

David: Talked to the reclusive John “Potsie” Keefe last night. He will be there on the 11th. No backing out! Your friend, David J. Beedle, Writer/Director/Producer/Genius

David (text to everyone): Don’t forget tomorrow night boys. Be at my place between 6:30 and 6:45 for the video version of Joe Beninski, and then off to Stahleys. I’ll have a small selection of beers that I’m sure you’ll all make fun of.

August 11, 2017

David text to Guy with a photo: We are at Stahleys planning a trip to Santa Barbara. I shit you not. January 2018?


Part 2: Things get serious